Collect What’s
Owed To You Without The Headache

You work hard treating clients and running your business; you deserve to maximize your compensation.

Our Billing Services

You might not realize it but the solvency of your business runs through your billing operations. Do you trust your biller enough to put the success of your business in their hands? Are they aggressively pursuing all claims and invoices? Are you spending your valuable time and money overseeing your billing operations? Or even worse, are you not overseeing your billing operations at all?

Billing & Accounts Receivable

With our billing services, you will gain a trusted partner and a billing process built to maximize your revenue, starting when a patient schedules their appointment until full payment is received. We pursue every dollar owed and help ensure you comply with all CMS and commercial payer requirements. Our billing services are tailored to:

  • Create minimal disruptions to your operations
  • Capture the maximum payment for services
  • Protect you against payer recoupments and/or penalties
  • Provide you with resources to grow your business
  • Keep you up to date on payer requirements

Billing Features

We utilize your existing billing systems and EHRs – whether it’s Simple Practice, TherapyNotes, TheraNest, or one of the other numerous EHRs.

Our billing services are more than just submitting claims and monitoring payments. We offer a comprehensive approach to billing that supports you in all aspects of your business. Our billing services include:

    • Staff/Clinician consultations on service codes and fees
    • Front desk staff training on proper billing and collections
    • Credentialing assistance
    • Billing policies & procedures, including policies on when/how you can wave member copays and deductibles
    • Monitoring of authorized units
    • Assistance with authorization requests
    • Protections against payer recoupments and penalties
    • Support with payer audits
    • Ad hoc consultations

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Our service pays for itself. You can lose hundreds of thousands of dollars through inadequate billing (we’ve seen it). It’s easy to lose track of unpaid services and even easier to sweep them under the rug. If your in-house billing doesn’t have the knowledge and abilities to manage various billing nuances, those finicky claims won’t likely get paid, nor will they ever get noticed.

    Staff turnover not only costs you money, but also induces levels of stress that are best to avoid. You’re pitted with finding the right person quickly and hiring the right person that you can trust with your agency’s finances. Then after you hire someone, hours of training and oversight are required. Are you situated to handle a significant lull in revenue plus capable of hiring and training new employees?

    Anybody can submit an insurance claim and post a payment. But not everybody can advise you on issues like handling insurance audits, coding crisis and extended therapy services, updating you on payer notifications, advising on credentialing, and meeting with you whenever you like to ensure you are at peace with your operations. We advise you on nearly every angle of your operations, and if there’s something we don’t know, we will find out for you.

    Our new agency consultations are free when you sign up for our credentialing and billing services. Once we start your billing, we charge a flat billing rate, or $250, whichever is more.

    Schedule A Free
    30-Minute Consultation